Find Your Brick
Find Your Brick
Donors are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Photographs of the bricks are numbered and correspond to the number in the right column beside each name in the table. The photographs are found below the following table and are listed in ascending numerical order from 1 to 42.

Maresha Anderson Acts 20:24 |
16 |
Daniel Bramlett Class of 2008 |
32 |
Joyce Bridges In Honor of Glenn Bridges A Faithful Friend |
2 |
Joyce Bridges In Honor of Caroline Rouse Class of 2023 |
11 |
Lance Calcutt Biology – 2023 Football Punter |
10 |
Lance Calcutt Drew and Vonda Calcutt Proud Parents |
10 |
Lance Calcutt Samantha Calcutt PA Medicine Class of 2023 |
10 |
Natalie Cannon Locked In Est. 2023 Proverbs 27:9 |
29 |
Nancy Caukin Whitney Simms ODEL ’14 XC |
20 |
Nancy Caukin Jake Simms BA History ’13 XC & T&F |
20 |
Emily Collins David J. Collins Class of 2016 Romans 15:13 |
24 |
Leann Corbin Betty Sheppard Poe Class of 1959 |
1 |
Leann Corbin Elliot Corbin Class of 2020 |
11 |
Katie Cox Dr. David Cox & Mrs. Katie Cox |
12 |
Katie Cox Luke and Emily Cox Let your light shine for Christ |
12 |
Melissa Cribb Boyd A. Cribb Class of 2024 |
12 |
Melissa Cribb Rebecca A. Cribb Class of 2026 |
12 |
Caleb and Demi Crittendon Caleb Crittendon Demi Crittendon Class of 2016 |
32 |
Judith E. Crosby In Memory of Kathy J. Crosby Class of 1978 |
32a |
Bailey Crowe Bailey B Crowe Jeremiah 29:11 Class of 2024 |
15 |
Mick Daniel Mick and Marnie Daniel |
19 |
Deborah DeBoer Dr. Grace DeBoer Carpenter Class of 2018 |
11 |
Deborah DeBoer Dr. Christopher Carpenter Class of 2019 |
32 |
Paula DeCesaris Richard O. Khoe Doris C. Khoe |
1 |
Paula DeCesaris NANCY GOUW TAM |
17 |
John Poochie Demars Poochie John W DeMars 1962-1964 |
5 |
Markayla Dempsey Markayla Dempsey Class of 2024 Deuteronomy 31:6 |
15 |
Matthew Derr Rev. Matthew Derr Class of 2013 Mark 10:45 |
17 |
Morgan Dickerson Faith > Fear Morgan Dickerson Class of 2023 |
11 |
Sarah Dobson Sarah Y Dobson Class of 2013 Miss NGU 2011 |
1 |
Currie Dove Currie Dove Class of 2022 BA Education |
28 |
Currie Dove Dawson Dove Class of 2022 |
28 |
Joey Elledge Class of 2015 |
2 |
Seth Elliot Class of 2022 Philippians 4:13 |
25a |
Erin Engle Dr. Jason and Erin Mills Engle NGC 1999-2003 |
17 |
William Eskridge W. Frank Eskeridge, III Admissions |
20 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. In Honor of the Sacrificial Word of NGU’s Staff |
5 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. In Honor of Tigerville’s Support of NGU |
4 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. In Honor of the Vision Cast by Local Churches |
5 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. In Honor of South Carolina Baptists |
5 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. In Honor of NGU’s Selfless First Ladies |
5 |
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Fant, Jr. Murphree C. & Ernestine H. Donnan |
4 |
J. G. Faulk Hail North Greenville Hail J. G. Faulk ’18 |
24 |
Jerri Ferguson Heather F. Lang Class of 2010 |
19 |
Jerri Ferguson Henry C. Lang IV CHIP Class of 2011 |
19 |
12 |
Stuart Floyd Stuart Floyd Class of 2016 Ch163 BD4L |
15 |
Stuart Floyd Rebecca R. Floyd Class of 2017 Ch163 BD4L |
24 |
Terry and Michelle Ford Patrick T. Ford Class of 2014 |
17 |
Terry and Michelle Ford Zachary T. Ford Class of 2019 |
20 |
Mason Freitas your future awaits MJF-HMF-PJF |
32 |
Kelli Garber Chase Garber Class of 2021 |
26 |
Collier Garrison Clayton Garrison Cole Garrison Collier Garrison |
17 |
Reid Gaston J. Reid Gaston Class of 2022 |
32 |
Frankie George Frankie George Love God Love People |
25 |
Shawanda George-Miller Shawanda George A.S.’97,B.S.’99 HOF-VB/SB 2019 |
1 |
Ethan Gilstrap Ethan Gilstrap Freshman 2023 |
32 |
Marti Glass Dr. Caleb Glass Class of 2018 BS-Biology |
29 |
Tori Goubert William Goubert Tori Goubert 2018 & 2019 |
26 |
Brandon Graves Press on toward the goal Phil 3:14 |
29 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Nolan Grimm We Love you! Lili & Papa |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Sadie Grimm We Love you! Lili & Papa |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Daniel & Lauren Grimm Colossians 3:17 |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Nathan Grimm Hebrews 11:1 |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Rachel Grimm Galatians 5:22 |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Rich and Linda Grimm Genesis 2:24 |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Dan and Rosalie Grimm Legacy of Love |
9 |
Linda and Rich Grimm Bob and Carol Riegel Legacy of Love |
9 |
Linwood Hagin Heather Heavner David H. Hagin The Hagin Family |
17a |
Jacob Hall Ansley Hall Jacob Hall Class of 2023 |
15 |
Alexus Robinson Hardy Alexus Robinson Hardy -Thankful c/o 2007 |
20 |
Michelle Heard Him in me and me in Him Galatians 2:20 |
19 |
Heath Henderson Heath & Paula Henderson Class of 1999 |
7 |
Kelly Hodge In Honor of Rich and Linda Grimm |
8 |
Cory Hoesli Cory Hoesli Class of 2018 “PTL” |
19 |
19 |
Garrison Holdman Garrison Holdman Worship Studies 2021-2025 |
15 |
Gloria Conyers Hooper Gloria Conyers Hooper – 1957 Loved NGJC |
17 |
Gloria Conyers Hooper Jerry R. Hooper Class 1958 Gloria Conyers |
17 |
Daniel Horn Dr. Curt Horn Professor Christian Studies |
11 |
Lori Howard In Honor of Brycen S. Lynch Class of 2025 |
25 |
LaVerne Howell LaVerne & Susan Howell Est. 1992 |
17 |
Austin Hughes Austin Hughes Class of 2022 Psalm 121:1-2 |
20 |
Greg Hynds Morgan Hynds Class of 2024 Proverbs 3:5-6 |
24 |
Rosanne Jennings Jacob C Jennings Class of 2025 Proverbs 3:6 |
17 |
Nicole Johnson Nicole D. Johnson Class of ’99 BA |
20 |
Donna Joyner MC Donnan My Grandfather Donna H Joyner |
5 |
Chris Kinard Kinard Family Class of 2021 and 2027 |
20 |
Elaine King Matthew 28:19-20 Gary & H. Elaine King |
12 |
17 |
17 |
Tyler Linville Tyler Linville Class of 2018 “S.G.T.H.” |
17 |
Ciara Mace Ciara Mace Class of 2023 COBE & Golf Alum |
17 |
Mary Mahan The Mahan Family DMR 2019 MEM 2020 |
15 |
Nicholas Maxey Nick Maxey Chop wood Carry water |
24 |
Carolina Mayer Carolina A Mayer Class of 2025 Matthew 5:16 |
24 |
Jayne McCall Jayne H. Lyons Class of 1970 |
24 |
Jayne McCall Donnie R McCall Class of 1970 In Memory |
17 |
Marrianne McCoig |
1 |
Jessica McCullough |
20 |
Jessica McCullough Jessica Jones McCullough Class of 2014 |
17 |
Olivia Medlin Dillion Medlin Olivia Medlin Class of 2017 |
1 |
Olivia Medlin Kinslee Medlin Class of 2024 |
16 |
Ed Mercier Keep the Faith Rev 14:12 Mercier Family |
12 |
Ron and Laura Messer In Loving Memory Anita M. Corbin December 5, 2023 |
12 |
Ron and Laura Messer In Loving Memory Gary L. Messer Class of 1968 |
3 |
Anna Middleton Anna Catherine & Thomas Middleton Ecc. 4:12 |
19 |
Kevin Mizell Kevin J. Mizell “The Lord gives wisdom” Prov 2:6 |
20 |
Kimberly Morgan J. Ronald Stokes A Man After God’s Own Heart |
11 |
Kayla Morgan Kayla Ann Morgan Class of 2012 & 2018 |
1 |
Kayla Morgan Donald J. Morgan Teresa G. Morgan John 3:16 |
1 |
Rachel Murray Rachel L. Murray Jeremiah 29:11 |
21 |
Kenneth Norris Dr. Ken Norris Teresa T. Norris |
17 |
Kenneth Norris Gerald R. Norris Betty C. Norris |
17 |
Eunice Parajon Abe Parajon ’19 Alex Parajon ’22 Abe and Alex ’21 |
1 |
Eunice Parajon Tatyanna Parajon Class of 2025 Ebenezer: 1S7:12 |
1 |
Douglas Parker Douglas Parker Class of 2006 Acta, non verba |
17 |
Tommy Pearson Tommy Pearson Class of 2022 XC & TF Legend |
11 |
Tommy Pearson Taylor Pearson Class of 2023 High Jump Legend |
11 |
Julie Pence In honor of Emory B. Pence Joshua 1:9 |
20 |
Julie Pence In honor of Shirley B. Bright Class of 1961 |
13 |
Julie Pence In honor of Jimmy G Bright Class of 1962 |
13 |
Chad Peters Proverbs 3:5 & 6 Chad and Sherri Peters |
9 |
Michelle Plyler GALATIANS 6:9 |
20 |
Kay Powers Kay Ward Powers In Memory Of Donald E. Ward |
4 |
Shannon Rabon Shannon Rabon Class of 2020 |
17 |
Andy Ray Regina Anderson Ray Class of 1984 |
8 |
Andy Ray Class of 1984 Matthew 5:14-16 |
8 |
Lucas Richardson Lucas Richardson Class of 2024 John 3:16 |
29 |
Denise Rider Aaron L. Rider Class of 2025 Matthew 6:26 |
20 |
David Roberts David and Stephanie Roberts Class of 2008 |
25a |
Kelli Rogers Kelli Stokes Rogers (2006) Family |
1 |
Hannah Ross Hannah Ross Class of 2022 BS Biology |
11 |
Craig Sanders Rev. Dr. Craig & Kaitlyn Sanders Class of 2012 |
17 |
Bob Shallow Mark 16:15 Matthew 6:33 Colossians 3:23 |
23 |
Braden Shuffer Braden J. Shuffer MHRM Class 2024 Joshua 24:15b |
33 |
Melanie Smith Chloe Dove Class of 2025 |
13 |
Kendra Stephenson Brooke Stephenson |
16 |
Jadon Stevens Jadon Stevens Love always, Mom and Dad |
16 |
Rebecca Stiegel Russell Stiegel Faithful Servant in Ministry |
26 |
Larry Stoudenmire Larry Stoudenmire 2024 |
21 |
Joshua Styles We Love You Pops Charlotte Josh Cara, Anna, Elise |
17 |
Joshua Styles Cara Noelle Psalm 3 Daddy Loves You! |
26 |
Joshua Styles Anna Caroline Luke 1:46-55 Daddy Loves You! |
19 |
Joshua Styles Elise Verity John 17:7 Daddy Loves You! |
26 |
Joshua Styles Josh and Charlotte Met Fall 2001 Married 6-11-05 |
17 |
Lamont Sullivan Lamont Sullivan AA, BA ’98, MA’13 Mountie Football |
20 |
Joshua Thomas Joshua Thomas MBA 2023 SPTM 2022 |
1 |
Matthew Thomas Class of 2009 & 2013 |
1 |
Matthew Thomas Amanda H. Thomas Class of 2008 |
1 |
Deborah Tingle In Memory of Jacks B. Tingle Jeremiah 29:11 |
3 |
Mark Turnau Dale Black Father Navy Veteran |
21 |
Mark Turnau Mark and Carol Turnau Friends of NGU |
13 |
Ken D. Ward Ken and Amy Ward Class of ’89 & ’90 |
3 |
Marlee Warner Leilani & Marlee Roomies Forever |
19 |
Ansley Welchel The Jeffcoats: Jonathan, Ansley, and Michael |
12 |
Laura West Laura West Class of 2015 MBA |
32 |
Jacob Whatley Jacob R. Whatley Class of 2024 Philippians 4:13 |
1 |
17 |
Madison Williams Madison Williams Class of 2016 Isaiah 60:22 |
20 |
15 |
Doyle and Linda Williams MARGY MCCALL DOYLE LINDA WMS CLASS OF 1970 |
17 |
Alice Witt Dr. M.C. Donnan Darrell and Alice Witt |
5 |
Delana Wood Marc and Delana Wood Class of 1994 |
20 |
Delana Wood In Memory of Our Dad and Mentor Robert Wood |
20 |
Constance Wright Martha B. Wright Revered Educator Mother and Friend |
16 |
Constance Wright Baxter Wright Jr. Dynamic Educator Father and Friend |
20 |
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