Thomas Willoughby, PhD
Associate Professor, Christian Studies864.977.7069
Unit: Christian Studies
Location: Tigerville
“I am a man profoundly impacted and continually impressed by God’s grace.”
Teaching & Education
You will learn with me when taking courses in Old Testament, New Testament, Hermeneutics, and Christian Worldview.
- BA, Christian Ministries, Southwest Baptist University
- MA, Biblical Languages, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- ThM, Biblical Studies, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- PhD, Biblical Studies, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Doctoral Research, Princeton Theological Seminary
Professional Experience
My experience includes pastoring for nearly 30 years and teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels since 2009 at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Field Supervisor), Criswell College, Moody Theological Seminary, Spurgeon College, Charleston Southern University, and North Greenville University.
Selected Publications
- “The Word Became Flesh and Tabernacled Among us: A primer for the Exodus in John’s Gospel” In Reverberations of the Exodus in Scripture, edited by Michael Fox. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2014.
- “The Dangers of a Linguistically Constructed Theology: A Response to Beyond Foundationalism by Stanley Grenz & John Franke.” Presented at the Midwest Regional Evangelical theological Society.
- “Does the Bible Contradict Itself?” – Keynote speaker, 414 Conference, Spring 2020
- “#changemymind: The New Testament Doesn’t Teach Jesus’s Deity” – Sword & Staff Podcast, 2020
- “Christ & Culture: Living Faithfully in a Post-Christian Era” – Lifeology Podcast, 2020
- “Ghosts, Ghouls, & Goblins in the Bible” – Lifeology Podcast, 2019
- “Matthew and the Passion of the Christ” ¬– Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fall 2013
- “The Gospel of john and Purification” – Princeton Theological Seminary, Spring 2013
- “The Gospel of john and Purification” – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fall 2012
- “Sectarianism and Hermeneutics” – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fall 2012
- “The Gospel of John: An Overview” – Criswell College, Spring 2012
- “The Historical Books: An Overview” – Spurgeon College, Fall 2010
- “Ezekiel: An overview” – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fall 2010
- “Ezekiel: An overview” – Spurgeon College, Fall 2010
- “Isaiah: An Overview” – Spurgeon College, Spring 2009
- “Joel: An Overview” – Spurgeon College, Spring 2009
- “Introduction to Hermeneutics” – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Spring 2009
Selected Awards Received
2012-13 – Post-Graduate Research at Princeton Theological Seminary by invitation, and under the direct supervision, of James H. Charlesworth. Research in the area of purity studies, the Gospel of John, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
My Network
I will gladly involve you in my circle that includes pastors, chaplains, denominational leaders, and entity heads across the country.
Academically, I regularly engage with world-renowned peers in research discussions both privately and on social media platforms.
These interactions will benefit our students as they pursue God’s direction and calling upon their lives.
My Story
I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior as a young boy, but it wasn’t until I went to college that my walk with Him was truly ignited. After leaving college and serving in the pastorate for nearly 30 years, I found that increasingly I had a burden to engage people at the college level because I believe that to be the most transformative. Coming to North Greenville is a dream come true in that it allows me opportunity to research and write while connecting with tomorrow’s world-changers.
Favorite Course to Teach:
I love the survey courses because I get to share portions of Scripture with students, some of whom have never been exposed to them.
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