Kaye Rickman, MMS, PA-C
Program Director, PA Medicine864.663.0764
Unit: PA Medicine, Graduate Faculty, College of Allied Health
Location: Greer
“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane” – Jimmy Buffett “My hope rises when I find that the inner heart of a human being may remain pure, notwithstanding some corruption of the outer coverings.” – Elizabeth Blackwell MD “I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy.” – Marie Curie
Teaching & Education
I teach courses in both the didactic and clinical years of the Physician Assistant Medicine program.
- BS, Furman University (2002)
- MA, UNC-Chapel Hill (2004)
- MMS, Wake Forest University (2007)
Professional Experience
Fourteen-year career as a Physician Assistant in North and South Carolina
I have been teaching in the PA Program at North Greenville University since 2017.
Selected Publications
- Relationship between circulating cortisol and testosterone: Influence of physical exercise. KK Brownlee, AW Moore, AC Hackney. Journal of Sports Science and Metabolism, Volume 4:76-83, 2005
- Exercise and the relationship between circulating cortisol and testosterone concentrations in men. Kaye Brownlee, Mehis Viru, Atko Viru, Melissa Behr, Anthony Hackney. Physical Education and Sport: Journal of Activity Sciences, Volume 50, 2006; OA30-33
- Testosterone and endurance exercise: development of the “exercise-hypogonadal male condition.” AC Hackney, AW Moore, KK Brownlee. Acta Physiologica Hungarica, Volume 92(2):pp.121-137 (2005)
- Strenuous, Fatiguing Exercise: Relationship of Cortisol to Circulating Thyroid Hormones. AW Moore, S Timmerman, KK Brownlee, DA Rubin, AC Hackney. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 1:12-24
Selected Awards Received
- 2007 Physician Assistant Program Marshall
- 2004 Graduate Research Award – Department of Exercise and Sport Science
- 2003 & 2004 Excellence in Teaching Award – Department of Exercise and Sport Science
My Network
I have maintained connections with the Medical Group of the Carolinas and Spartanburg Medical Center in South Carolina, as well as Wake Medical Center and Rex Hospital in Raleigh NC. Additionally, I have several connections through the Furman Alumni to professionals in various fields of work and study.
My Story
I am continuously amazed by the complexity and the beauty of God’s creations, especially the human body. My desire to learn how the body works began early in my schooling, eventually morphing into a desire to learn how to make it work more efficiently (Master of Exercise Physiology), and then how to repair the broken body (Master of Medical Science). After several years in clinical practice and working through the sleep-deprivation of having two young children, I crossed paths with a person who introduced me to this opportunity to teach at NGU. Since my arrival at NGU, I have worked hard to combine my experience as a clinician with newly learned skills of an educator to provide the students with the foundation they need to succeed in their careers.
Favorite Course to Teach: Problem Based Learning is my favorite course to teach because I love seeing how much a group of people can accomplish when we work together as a team to solve a problem. Every part of the team has something unique to contribute. The setting of the course is perfect for building clinical competence and personal confidence.
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