Dallas Vandiver, PhD
Assistant Vice-President, Student MinistriesAssistant Professor, Christian Studies
Unit: Graduate Ministry, Christian Studies
Location: Greer
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." –Colossians 1:28-29
Teaching & Education
Study with me through courses in Theology, Old and New Testament, and Hermeneutics.
● BME, Mississippi State University
● MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
● PhD, ThM Southern Baptist Theological Seminary -
Professional Experience
I have been blessed to serve for a decade in local church ministry in various church staff roles, to teach Bible and serve as a campus minister in a secondary Christian school setting, and to be a Garrett Fellow and Online Teaching Assistant at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Selected Publications
- Who Can Take the Lord’s Supper?: A Biblical-Theological Argument for Close Communion. Monographs in Baptist History, ed. Michael A. G. Haykin (Eugene, OR: Pickwick) forthcoming (Fall, 2021).
- “The Distinction between the Invisible and Visible Church” in Progressive Covenantalism (working title), vol. 2. eds. Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker, forthcoming (Fall, 2022).
- Review of Reformation without End: Religion, Politics, and the Past in Post-Revolutionary England. Politics, Culture, and Society in Early Modern Britain. Robert G. Ingram.
Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2018. Journal of Andrew Fuller Studies 1.1 (Autumn 2020).
- Doctrine of the Church, 12-week study, for Cana Church Institute, Burleson, TX
- Summary of Graham Cole, Chapter 15: “Why a Book? Why This Book? Why the Particular Order within this Book? Some Theological Reflections on Canon” in D. A. Carson, Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures. http://www.booksataglance.com/book-summaries/enduring-authority-christian-scriptures-chapter-15-edited-d-carson/
My Network
Friends and ministry partners are a blessing.
I am thankful to call many of the faculty at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary friends and mentors.
My dissertation committee included Gregg Allison (supervisor), Jason Deusing (from Midwestern Seminary), Stephen Wellum, and Hershael York.
I am also in contact with friends who serve as local-church pastors and para-church ministry leaders. -
My Story
I was raised by Christian parents in northeast Mississippi. As a young child, the Lord opened my eyes to see His grace to save a sinner like me through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, such that I saw Jesus’ grace and turned to Him in faith.
I sensed the Lord’s call to pursue Christian ministry as a vocation at the beginning of high school and pursued musical worship ministry. I met the wonderful woman who would become my wife while attending Northeast MS Community College. After graduating from Mississippi State, Emily and I were married and began seminary at Southwestern in Fort Worth, TX.
While in Texas, I served in a variety of pastoral ministry roles until we moved to Louisville, KY to begin doctoral work at Southern Seminary. I was privileged to serve as a campus minister and Bible teacher at the Christian Academy of Louisville and to participate and lead in a variety of ministries in my local church.Like many Christians, I have experienced difficult seasons of doubt, struggled with sin, and seen the Lord work good things through bad situations. My anchor in life is the faithfulness of Jesus. He shows me more of Himself through His Word so that I might enjoy Him and bring Him glory through a life that I strive to live like Him by His Spirit’s power.
My passion is that students would find their ultimate joy in Jesus and would be equipped to help people from every people group on the planet to do the same.Favorite Course to Teach: Systematic Theology