Institute for Faith and Culture

About the Institute for Faith and Culture
The Institute for Faith and Culture exists to advance the mission of North Greenville University by promoting the intersection of biblical worldview formation, spiritual formation, servant leadership, and public witness. Students are characterized by their commitment to these four kingdom priorities.
The Institute is an interdisciplinary hub that serves the North Greenville community by facilitating academic initiatives and strategic conversations that cultivate transformational leaders who advance human flourishing in every sphere where they have influence. You can learn more below about our graduate academic program and some of our ongoing co-curricular opportunities.

Master of Leadership
Become a transformational leader for church and society through the Master of Arts in Leadership program, offered in partnership with Impact 360 Institute. Pursue a concentration in Servant Leadership or Spiritual Formation.
Faith and Culture Lecture Series
We invite Christian scholars, leaders, and other influencers for our Faith and Culture Lecture Series to help our community understand what it means to exercise transformational leadership in contemporary American culture.

Faculty Lunch and Learn
Faculty Lunch and Learn events provide an opportunity for faculty across campuses and disciplines to gather for informal discussions about how to think biblically about the issues being debated within our disciplines, local churches, and the wider culture.
Christian Worldview Week
During Christian Worldview Week, our community sets aside three days to consider how to apply a Christian worldview to the biggest questions our culture is asking. Leading thinkers help students and faculty reflect on the foundational role a Christian worldview plays in cultivating transformational leaders for church and society.

Message from the Executive Director
The mission of North Greenville University is to glorify God by cultivating graduates who are equipped to serve as transformational leaders for church and society. This raises an important question: what do we mean by transformational leadership?