Annual Reporting of CAEP Accountability Measures

Annual Reporting of CAEP Accountability Measures

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) has four annual accountability measures, which are used to provide information to the public on program outcome and program impact.

The following educator preparation programs are currently reviewed and accredited by CAEP. The next review cycle is scheduled for Spring 2025.

Initial Level Preparation: Early Childhood Education, BA; Elementary Education, BA; Physical Education, BS; Secondary English Language Arts, BA; Secondary Mathematics Education, BS; Secondary Social Studies Education, BS; Spanish Education, BA; Theatre Education, BA; Post-Baccalaureate Early Childhood Education Certificate; Post-Baccalaureate Elementary Education Certificate.

  • Measure 1: Completer Effectiveness

    Impact on P-12 Student Learning Growth

    The EPP effectively contributes to P-12 student learning and development as demonstrated by the data reported by the South Carolina Leadership, Effectiveness, Advancement, and Development (SCLead) data management system. The data show the number of completers’ SLO (student learning outcomes) data reported for each school year, with overall rating categories of incomplete, met, or not met. The data further disaggregates the individual SLO ratings into the categories of not applicable, unsatisfactory, needs improvement, proficient, and exemplary.

    Apply Professional Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions

    In South Carolina all teachers must pass the ADEPT evaluation within the first 3 years of employment. The ADEPT evaluation is required to progress from induction certification to full certification. These evaluations are administered by a team of trained individuals who use detailed rubrics and data. This collaboration delivers reliable evidence that NGU completers are effective in the classroom. Teachers who are not effective in impacting student learning are not awarded full certification.

  • Measure 2. Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

    The Administrators’ Satisfaction Survey is distributed annually to school administrators in districts where graduates are employed. These surveys measure employer satisfaction with the preparation of the North Greenville University College of Education completers for their assigned responsibilities in working with P-12 students. They are asked to rate graduates in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of teaching.

    Administrators’ Satisfaction Survey 2022-2023

  • Measure 3. Candidate Competency at Completion

    The Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) and the Praxis Subject Tests are proprietary assessments created and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Passing scores on all tests are required for teacher certification in South Carolina. The PLT focuses on four basic domains of learning and teaching that include I. Students as Learners, II. Instructional Process, III. Assessment, IV. Professional Development, Leadership, and Community. The Praxis Subject Tests measure the knowledge and skills of subject-specific content needed for teaching in each discipline and demonstrate the candidates’ understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline.

    The Title II Report contains the percentage of completers who pass the PLT and Praxis Subject Area Tests as well as the percent who pass in each of the following categories: basic skills, professional knowledge and pedagogy, academic content areas, teaching special populations, other content areas, performance assessments, as well as an overall summary pass rate. The report also contains a comparison of the EPP’s average pass rate with other EPPS in the state, the total number of students in the program, the average number of hours of supervised practice teaching, the faculty/student ratio in supervised practice teaching, and the EPP’s accreditation status.

  • Measure 4. Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared

    Self-report data indicate that 100% of completers who seek employment in P-12 schools have been hired.

College of Education Scorecard

Evidence of Teacher Candidate Quality
  • An Effective Teaching Program

    The College of Education (COE) at North Greenville University believes that an effective teaching program prepares teacher candidates to be educators who seek to inspire future generations to love learning; to invest in learning themselves so they can remain effective in the classroom; and, most importantly, to impact communities. Our teacher candidates become effective practitioners, caring leaders, and lifelong learners. The education programs at North Greenville University agree that effective teaching will ultimately place the student first. We seek to understand what exceptional teaching looks like and then align our course work and clinical experiences around that understanding. Ultimately, the COE at North Greenville University has high expectations for our teacher candidate preparation. To maintain this quality and to ensure program improvement, the COE continually monitors candidate performance, collects and analyzes data, and makes unit and department changes based on the data results.

  • NGU Program Completer Average GPA

    The required GPA for teacher candidates in South Carolina is 2.75.

    2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
    3.68 3.70 3.74 3.66 3.65
  • NGU Completer Placement Patterns

    Job Distribution for the First Year after Graduation

    NGU Completers are consistently hired in education positions for which they have been prepared. Self-report data indicate that 100% of completers who seek employment in P-12 schools have been hired.

    Year # of Graduates # in Teaching % Teaching # in Grad School % in Grad School Other % Other Unknown
    18-19 73 66 90% 1 1% 5 7% 1
    19-20 55 46 84% 4 7% 5 9% 0
    20-21 69 58 84% 3 4% 4 6% 4
    21-22 67 50 75% 11 16% 4 6% 2
    22-23 58 50 86% 4 7% 4 7% 0
  • Average Teacher Salaries
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