3.0 NGU2025 will strengthen the university’s financial position while developing its physical, technological and human resources.
3.1 A comprehensive campus master plan will be developed, resourced and initiated.
3.1.1 We will select a partner to assist with the development and implementation of a campus master plan.
3.1.2 We will evaluate the quality and effectiveness of residential housing, with consideration of current student trends and successful industry models.
3.1.3 We will continue evaluating and, when necessary, planning for the replacement of the university’s maintenance equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation.
3.1.3 We will plan for the expansion, renovation and improvement of campus infrastructure necessary to support current and future academic programs.
3.2 A comprehensive fundraising program will continue to be developed and resourced in support of “NGU2025.”
3.2.1 We will prepare for and launch a comprehensive capital campaign.
3.2.2 We will expand support for the annual fund (also called the Difference Maker Fund), raising the alumni giving percentage by five percent from 2019 to 2020 and then by three percent per year for subsequent years.
3.2.3 We will create standard proposal documentation to utilize for capital and major gift funding projects.
3.2.4 We will continue to maintain existing relationships and build new ones with donors and businesses.
3.2.5 We will continue to provide resources that assist our athletic teams in their success on the field, also benchmarking selected programs, in order to help promote the university.
3.2.6 We will expand grant-writing efforts designed to enhance scholarship support, operational priorities, faculty development and other emphases as needed.
3.2.7 We will continue to provide professional development opportunities designed to promote the continued and increased success of our graduates.
3.3 Essential technology-related services and functions will be evaluated, adjusted and enhanced as needed.
3.3.1 We will offer spiritual encouragement to both internal and external constituents through the NGU website and social media.
3.3.2 We will develop extensive dashboard reports designed to assist with program evaluation, strengthening and expansion.
3.3.3 We will leverage technology to effectively share NGU information internally and externally
3.3.4 We will collaborate with all colleges and operational offices at NGU to communicate vital information in a clear and concise manner on the website.
3.3.5 We will continue with the ongoing development of the Jenzabar Student Information System platform.
3.3.6 We will continue to establish IT standards and implement industry best practices.
3.3.7 We will develop a proactive technology infrastructure maintenance strategy to provide for a current technology platform into the future (i.e. campus Wi-Fi, desktops, etc.).
3.3.8 We will identify and mitigate risks to the university in relation to information technology
3.3.9 We will improve the payment portal experience, moving toward one central system.
3.4 Human resource development support services will be evaluated, resourced and enhanced as needed.
3.4.1 We will launch a Center for Faculty Excellence to facilitate faculty development in four areas: teaching, scholarship, the integration of faith and learning and service to the campus, church, community and culture.
3.4.2 We will refine the job description of academic deans so that they take more responsibility for partnering with the Office of Advancement and University Engagement in fundraising and outreach initiatives related to their areas.
3.4.3 We will establish professional development practices that strengthen the skillsets of personnel and increase retention of qualified staff.
3.4.4 We will offer spiritual formation development training and pastoral care for faculty, staff and administrators.
3.4.5 We will establish professional development practices that strengthen the skillsets of personnel and increase retention of qualified staff.
3.4.6 We will expand and improve professional development opportunities for faculty and staff cross-training.
3.4.7 We will strengthen the onboarding process for all employees.
3.4.8 We will consider new approaches to administrative assistants and other support roles.
3.5 Key financial markers will be identified, monitored and achieved as determined appropriate for the health and long-term viability of the university.
3.5.1 We will evaluate the financial and operational impact of the intercollegiate athletic program in an effort to improve its contribution to the overall financial health of the university.
3.5.2 We will revise internal reporting to provide meaningful, timely and accurate financial information to senior leadership and trustees.
3.5.3 We will benchmark faculty and staff compensations, benefits and workloads and seek to match institutional averages with comparable standards in our institutional sector
3.6 Auxiliary revenue streams will be identified and cultivated.
3.6.1 We will look to expand the scheduling of guarantee games for Athletics.
3.6.2 We will develop and implement a comprehensive conference services program.
3.6.3 We will develop relationships with select churches, increasing opportunities for brand awareness, student enrollment and ministry partnerships.
3.6.4 We will develop and implement a real estate portfolio assessment process that will guide sales and rentals of donated properties.
3.7 A comprehensive strategic enrollment plan designed to support the missional, financial and operational goals of the university will be developed, resourced and implemented.
3.7.1 We will create tailored, comprehensive plans to drive applications that achieve NGU’s enrollment goals.
3.7.2 We will use national and campus-wide data to make informed decisions that drive recruitment efforts, including conducting surveys of current and former students to determine factors impacting recruitment decisions.
3.7.3 We will leverage our values and brand to attract and retain undergraduate and graduate students.
3.7.4 We will exude excellence and quality in all print and electronic materials that are produced for NGU, ensuring an accurate and comprehensive portrayal of the opportunities offered at the university.
3.7.5 We will partner with select conferences, conventions and meetings that gather large numbers of NGU’s target audience.